  S 29°21     E 27°30
Back on the web after 2 days of isolation in the wide african spaces, we connect the modem that links us to the center of the World. This break let us check our logistical situation, and to live some personal experiences away from the 'Big Eye'.
Yesterday night, we read your choice: 'go to the mysterious Kingdom of Lesotho'. The Car@van immediately moves on: after the failure of the zebra attempt, we promise you we will make it this time.
Direction East. Along the N8, the green spaces become arid, towns, upland plains. The wind blows and the Car@van balances between the yellow and white dotted lines on the long straight roads.
We apporach the unknown Kingdom's border. Parked at the customs, on the Maseru Bridge, the servicemen show us the offices where to stamp the entrance visa. A customs officer suddenly shouts at Maya and Aleko because he doesn't want to be filmed... he will be surprised a bit later trying to date some of the Car@van's women, promising to come in Europe very soon.
But that's it! We have the visa and cross the border. MISSION 4 - Accomplished!


The most voted choice of Explore is: 'Learn a local dance'. Nothing can be easier on this continent, 'cradle of rythms and movement'. Here, music and dance play an important role as much in the ceremonies as in the daily life. In this way, outside of the capital Maseru, we stop in the first village we see to accomplish an initiation dance.
People don't seem to understand what we want to do, but, only one step of danse, and here we are. Let's stop the words, here is the video.
Guido: I live on the frontier of Life
Daniel: I'm always available for you
M. Donald (from Nigeria): Floating and cruising, this is the best thing!
Queuing for customs, we meet a lonesome traveller. Tall blond with blue eyes, he seems to be on the road since a long time. The girls start a discussion: "Ah! You're italian!". Guido had followed us on the net and finds us by coincidence! Sicilian, he tells us he travels looking for new Ways.

The new Millennium !!!
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